The Structure of Oriental Philosophy: Collected Papers of the Eranos Conference vol. I
▼世界的な言語学者、イスラーム学者、東洋思想研究家であった井筒俊彦がエラノス会議(毎年スイスのアスコナで、東西の研究者が参集して開催される国際会議)で行った伝説的名講義、全12講義を全2巻に収録。Volume I には、1967〜1974年の間に行われた6講演を収録。
Contents[Volume I]
Foreword Preface by James Hillman The Absolute and the Perfect Man in Taoism The Structure of Selfhood in Zen Buddhism Sense and Nonsense in Zen Buddhism The Elimination of Color in Far Eastern Art and Philosophy The Inter ……
About the Author
Dr. Toshihiko Izutsu (1914-93), a member of the Japan Academy (日本学士院) and Professor emeritus of Keio University in Tokyo, was a distinguished scholar of Oriental philosophy and of Islamic thought. He was a member of the Institut International de Philosophie (Paris) and a professor of McGill University in Canada and of the Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy in Tehran. His books in Japanese include Mystical Aspect of Greek Philosophy (神秘哲学), A Fountainhead of Islamic Philosophy (イスラーム哲学の原像), and Consciousness and Essence (意識と本質). Among his English-language works are Sufism and Taoism: A Comparative Study of Key Philosophical Concepts, Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Qur'an, and Toward a Philosophy of Zen Buddhism.