Promoting the Rule of Law in Asian Dynamics


定価 1,980円(本体 1,800円)

Promoting the Rule of Law in Asian Dynamics
目次 著者略歴

PAGLEPプログラムの成果に基づいたシリーズ『Programs for Asian Global Legal Professions Series』の最終巻・第V巻。2017年の第T巻から年刊で第X巻までを刊行。全英文。

第V巻『Promoting the Rule of Law in Asian Dynamics』は、これまでのPAGLEPプログラム成果の総括巻。
各国の執筆者によるアジアの視点からの「Rule of Law」という検討課題を中心に据え、日本をはじめとした各国の法の諸相を比較し、今後のグローバル法曹人材の育成及び法の展開を展望する。


 Legal education is experiencing rapid globalization. To meet the demand, Keio University Law School aims to develop law programs at universities throughout Asia. In 2015, our faculty and partner universities in the Mekong region countries launched, “Programs for Asian Global Legal Professions (PAGLEP),” a joint program fostering legal professions to solve legal issues from global perspectives.
 Keio University Law School has established legal education research projects in Japan and the Mekong region countries in the teaching methods of private and public law. For law students, we promoted bilateral and multilateral law programs in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh, Vientiane, Bangkok, Yangon, and Tokyo.
 Thanks to the support from our partner universities and collaboration from all the program participants, our results have been published in “Programs for Asian Global Legal Professions (PAGLEP) Series,” Volume One to Four.
2020 was a milestone year for the PAGLEP. Unfortunately, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic forced universities to postpone all in-person international programs. Despite this crisis, our universities worked diligently to develop online programs in law and international collaboration. I am convinced the outcome will be fruitful.
 This book, Volume Five of the PAGLEP Series, is a part of them. It includes presentations and discussions at the PAGLEP Symposium 2020: University’s Contribution toward “the Rule of law Ubiquitous World” held on 21 November, 2020, by way of the Internet. Online legal education will cultivate a new paradigm of research, development, collaboration, and connection among professors and students in Asia.
 The new path will grant access to anyone interested in legal education whenever and wherever they are. We hope it will be a democratizing tool for the rule of law promotion in Asia, which is the central theme of this volume.
Finally, I convey sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology in Japan for their continuous support. Due to their financial contribution over the last five years, we met our goal of opening a new dimension of research on collaborated legal education and the rule of law promotion in Asia.

Isao Kitai
Professor and Dean, Keio University Law School
10 January 2021


 Isao Kitai

 at the Symposium on University’s Contribution
 toward “the Rule of Law Ubiquitous World”

 Representative, the Office for International Planning, Higher Education Bureau,
 the Ministry of Educ ……

著者略歴 著者略歴は書籍刊行時のものを表示しています。

[edited by]
KEIGLAD: Keio Institute for Global Law and Development

Isao Kitai
 Professor, Dean, Keio University Law School, Japan

Hiroshi Matsuo
 Professor, Keio University Law School; Director, Keio Institute for Glabal Law and Development (KEIGLAD), Japan

Ronnakorn Bunmee
 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Thailand

Phan Thi Lan Huong
 Deputy Head, International Cooperation Department, Hanoi Law University, Vietnam; Head, Representative Office of Nagoya University in Vietnam

Reginald M. Pastrana
 Chief Technical Advisor, Luxembourg Agency for Development Cooperation (LuxDev), Laos

Latdavanh Donkeodavong
 Deputy Head of Research and Academic Service Division, Faculty of Law and Political Science, National University of Laos

Khin Phone Myint Kyu
 Professor, Department of Law, University of Yangon, Myanmar

Khin Khin Su
 Lecturer, Department of Law, University of Yangon, Myanmar

Dao Gia Phuc
 Vice-Director of the American Law Center, University of Economics and Law, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Hitomi Fukasawa
 Researcher, KEIGLAD, Japan

定価1,980円 (本体:1,800円)

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