Learning and Interaction: From Cognitive Theories to Epistemology(英書)
AI をはじめ広く情報科学の方法を用いて著者らが開拓してきた学習とインタラクションの理論を、独自の方法で哲学的認識論に橋渡しし、実在論の立場に立って「プロセス指向構成主義」を提唱。
18世紀産業革命を背景にアダム・スミスが深く探究した問題を、インターネットとAI が世界を覆う21世紀デジタル革命の時代に問い直す。

Preface Acknowledgments Introduction References Note
Chapter 1 Theory and Models of Learning
1.1 What Is Learning? 1.2 Some Earlier Research on Learning 1.3 The Influence of the S ……
【著者紹介】 安西 祐一郎(あんざい ゆういちろう) 慶應義塾学事顧問・同大学名誉教授、日本学術振興会顧問・学術情報分析センター所長、公益財団法人東京財団政策研究所常務理事・所長。1974年慶應義塾大学大学院工学研究科修了、工学博士。2018年博士(哲学)。カーネギーメロン大学人文社会科学部客員助教授、北海道大学文学部助教授等を経て、1988〜2011年慶應義塾大学理工学部教授。1993〜2001年慶應義塾大学理工学部長、2001〜09年慶應義塾長、2011〜18年独立行政法人日本学術振興会理事長
【AUTHOR】 Yuichiro ANZAI is Executive Advisor for Academic Affairs and Professor Emeritus, Keio University; Senior Advisor and Director of the Center for Science Information Analysis, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS); Executive Director and CEO, the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research; and Chair of the Implementation Council for the AI Strategy organized under the Cabinet of Japan. Anzai has devoted his academic career to information and cognitive sciences, recently focusing more on social, educational, and philosophical issues emerging in the age of the Digital Revolution. After graduating from Keio University, Anzai started his career as a post-doc in 1976, afterwards a visiting associate professor in 1981, at Carnegie Mellon University, became an associate professor at Hokkaido University (1985–88), and a professor at Keio University (1988–2011). He also was Dean of the School of Science and Technology (1993–2001) and President (2001–09) of Keio University, Japan’s oldest modern institution of higher learning. He then became President (2011–18) of JSPS, the representative governmental agency for funding all research fields of the humanities and the social and natural sciences.