The Structure of Oriental Philosophy: Collected Papers of the Eranos Conference vol. II
▼世界的な言語学者、イスラーム学者、東洋思想研究家であった井筒俊彦がエラノス会議(毎年スイスのアスコナで、東西の研究者が参集して開催される国際会議)で行った伝説的名講義、全12講義を全2巻に収録。Volume II には、1975〜1982年の間に行われたの6講演を収録。
Contents[Volume II]
Naive Realism and Confucian Philosophy The I Ching Mandala and Confucian Metaphysics The Field Structure of Time in Zen Buddhism Between Image and No-image: Far Eastern Ways of Thinking The Nexus of ontological Event ……
About the Author
Dr. Toshihiko Izutsu (1914-93), a member of the Japan Academy (日本学士院) and Professor emeritus of Keio University in Tokyo, was a distinguished scholar of Oriental philosophy and of Islamic thought. He was a member of the Institut International de Philosophie (Paris) and a professor of McGill University in Canada and of the Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy in Tehran. His books in Japanese include Mystical Aspect of Greek Philosophy (神秘哲学), A Fountainhead of Islamic Philosophy (イスラーム哲学の原像), and Consciousness and Essence (意識と本質). Among his English-language works are Sufism and Taoism: A Comparative Study of Key Philosophical Concepts, Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Qur'an, and Toward a Philosophy of Zen Buddhism.