Towards New Logic and Semantics
Franco-Japanese Collaborative Lectures on Philosophy of Logic

Introduction Mistuhiro Okada and Yoshinori Ogawa
PartI: Lectures on Reference, Semantics and Intentionality Jocelyn Benoist 1 Theory of Reference in Both Early Phenomenology and Early Analytic Philosophy ……
Jocelyn Benoist Department de Philosophie, Universite de Paris-I Pantheon-Sorbonne,Paris, France
Jean-Yves Girard Institnt de Mathema tiques de Luminy, UPR9016-CNRS, Marseille,France
Mitsuhiro Okada Department de Philosophie, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Yoshinori Ogawa Centre for Integtated Research on the Mind, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan