Images and Reasoning


定価 4,400円(本体 4,000円)

Images and Reasoning
目次 著者略歴

reason and reasoning”に基づく論文集。推論の非言語的な側面の可能性についての問いを提起する。(全英文)



Introductory Remarks
Pierre Grialou, Giuseppe Longo and Mitsuhiro Okada

Section I Images, Language and Reasoning in Humans
1. Some Ways Images Express and Promote Thought
Barbara Tversky

2. Questions on T ……

著者略歴 著者略歴は書籍刊行時のものを表示しています。

Barbara Tversky is Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, CA USA. She works on spatial thinking and language; diagrammatic reasoning;memory and categorization.

Pierre Grialou is Research Fellow at the Centre for Integrated Research on the Mind of Keio University. He works on the cognitive aspects of reasoning.

Mitsuhiro Okada is Professor in the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Letters of Keio University, and the project leader of the Logic and Language Lab at the Centre for Integrated Research on the Mind (CIRM) of Keio University. He works on logic, philosophy and theoretical informatics/computer science, with special focuses on proof theory and linear logic,
their philosophical foundations as well as their applications to computer science.

Chizuru Shikishima is a doctoral student of the Graduate School of Keio University. She works on behavioural genetics and social psychology.

Juko Ando is Professor in the Department of Human Relations, Faculty of Letters of Keio University. He works on behavioral genetics and educational psychology.

Ryo Takemura is Research Fellow at the Centre for Integrated Research on the Mind of Keio University. He works on mathematical logic.

Jocelyn Benoist is Full Professor of Theory of Knowledge and Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne. He workson phenomenology, analytic philosophy and theory of knowledge.

Giuseppe Longo is Directeur de Recherche (DR1), au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) & Département d’Informatique, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. Responsable de l’équipe “Complexité et information morphologiques”, Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Ecole Normale
Supérieure (LIENS). Membre à temps partiel du CREA, Ecole Polytechiiinique. Ancien Professeur (“Professore Ordinario”) d’Informatique, Universita di Pisa. He works on logic and theory of computation. He also works on the interfaces of mathematics, physics and biology and on the philosophy of mathematics and cognitive science as well.

Bernard Teissier is Directeur de Recherches au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. He is a mathematician, specialized in algebraic geometry and singularities.

Dominique Lestel is Maître de Conférences at l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. He works in philosophy and ethology.

Chris Herzfeld is a member of the laboratory of Eco-anthropology & Ethnobiology of the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris.

Dieter Lohmar is Privatdozent, teaching Philosophy at the University of Cologne. He works on modern transcendental philosophy, empirism, phenomenology,
intercultural philosophy and anthropology.

Ulrike Aust is Hertha-Firnberg position for postdoctoral students (FWF project T139) at the University of Vienna. She works on the investigation of the psychological aspects of pigeon categorization, namely, the processing and classification of natural stimuli.

Wilfried Apfalter is a doctoral student, Research Fellow at the Departmentfür Neurobiologie und Verhaltenswissenschaften in the University of Vienna (FWF Project P17157). He works on visual categorization in pigeons.

Ludwig Huber is Associate Professor, Head of the Emerging Focus “Biology of Cognition” at the University of Vienna. He works on the evolution of cognition, visual categorization in pigeons, social learning and technical intelligence.

Shigeru Watanabe is Professor of Psychology at Keio University and the project leader of the Evolution and Development Lab at the Centre for Integrated Research on the Mind (CIRM) of Keio University. He works on comparative cognitive neuroscience.

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