Comparative Analysis of Mind
文科省の21世紀COEに選ばれた、「心」をテーマとする人文系研究プロジェクトの成果第一弾。 認知心理学の手法を用いて、魚類・鳥類・齧歯類・霊長類(ヒトを含む)の心の働きを分析します。

Preface Shigeru Watanabe Introduction An Integrated Methodology for the Study of the Mind? Taro Nishimura
Problem Understand the Mind through Comparative Study Shigeru Watanabe
Part 1: Learning and Memory 1.Ele ……
Shigeru Watanabe is Professor of Psychology at Keio Univessity. He is President of the Japanese Society for Animal Psychology and Associate Editor of Animal Cognition.