Future Trends in the Biology of Language

Preface John F. Connolly, Shiro Ojima, Yukio Otsu, and Guillaume Thierry
Part 1: Genetics of Language 1 Synaptic Cell Adhesion Molecules, Related with Autism, Are Associated with Foxp2-mediated Mouse Ultrasonic Vocalization Communication Takashi Momoi and Eriko Fujita 2 Language Processing in Williams Syndrome:Insights from Event-related Potentials Ana P. Pinheiro, Margaret Niznikiewicz, Óscar F. Gonçalves
Part 2: Evolution of Language 3 Constructive Modeling of Grammaticalization for the Origin and Evolution of Language Takashi Hashimoto, Masaya Nakatsuka and Takeshi Konno 4 Emergence of Proto-language via Mutual Segmentation of Song Strings and Behavioral Contexts Kazuo Okanoya 5 A Missing Design Perspective in I-linguistics Cedric Boeckx
Part 3: Neuroscience of Language 6 Expected and Unexpected Effects of Foreign-language Proficiency:Brain Potential Studies Shiro Ojima 7 N170 Modulation is Expertise-driven: Evidence from Word-inversion Effects in Speakers of Different Languages Benjamin Dering, Noriko Hoshino, and Guillaume Thierry 8 Communicating with the Non-communicative: Assessing the Mental Life of Non-verbal Individuals Using Neurophysiological Techniques John F. Connolly
Part 4: Acquisition of Language 9 The Acquisition of Asymmetry between Scrambling and Topicalization in Japanese Tetsuya Sano 10 Preliminary Notes on Metalinguistic Development Concerning Syntactic Categories:Using Shiritori Word Game as a Tool Yukio Otsu