Essays in the Foundations of Logical and Phenomenological Studies

Preface Mitsuhiro Okada 1. Drawing Phenomenology out of Its Silence Jocelyn Benoist 2. Des circonstances au contexte, et retour Jocelyn Benoist 3. La logique, d'Aristote aux algèbres d'opérateurs Jean-Yves Girard 4. Towards a Semantics of Japanese Existential Sentences Takashi Iida 5. Hilbert’s Logical Grounding of Arithmetic Yoshinori Ogawa 6. On Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Recursive Proofs: A Preliminary Report Mitsuhiro Okada 7. What does ‘Phenomenize’ mean? Yoshimichi Saitô 8. A New Proof-Theoretical View on an Old “Dialogue Logic” Mitsuhiro Okada and Ryo Takemura