The Keio University Hogaku Kenkyu-kai (study of Law, Political science and Sociology) Series 65
The Methodological Foundations of the Study of Politics

Takeshi Negishi (Author)
Price : JPY3,000
Publication date: 1996
ISBN: 4-7664-0643-5 C3032
HardCover 210mmx148mm 126pages
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This material is the English version of Chapter 2 of Takeshi Negishi et al., Anatomy of the State (Tokyo: Nihon Hyoron-Sha, 1994 in Japanese)
The subject matters discussed in this publication extend beyond the border of the study of politics. The author tries to present "a new view of the structure of intellectual activities for problem solving," a discussion that has been rather neglected in the philosophy of science and elsewhere. The author's main aim, however, is to "reorganize the study of politics on the basis of the methodological foundations thus advanced so that it can be really responsive to the expectations of society."

The discussions in this publication sprang from the author's doubts about some methodological premises of social scientists, especially political scientists.

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